Olszewski & Massih, P.C.

1204 Grand Ave

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

Contact Us

Important Notice:  Any contact via e-mail will not establish an "attorney-client" relationship.  Attorneys practice Colorado and only Colorado law.  Office hours are 9-5 MST.  We visit on an appointment only basis.  No expressed or implied warranties exist.  Many severe deadlines exist.  No action will be taken in any case prior to an in-person office visit in the form of an appointment.  All information is confidential.  Please bring all materials to our office for review.  Our advice is only as complete as the facts presented.  Your case is very important to you so it is very important to us.  Information and questions presented to attorneys are in the form of an inquiry to allow the potential client and the attorney to determine if an attorney-client relationship will be established in the future.  This transmission is confidential but not anonymous.  If your question or issue demands immediate attention, make an appointment with an attorney.  Attorneys have no authority to take any action prior to an in-office appointment and a signed engagement letter for legal representation from a client.  An e-mail will not establish any affirmative duty on any attorney.  The internet and e-mail are un-reliable and often fail.  Do not rely on the internet nor e-mail for any critical issues or matters which require your action before an attorney can assist you.  The internet is an informational resource only.  We do not agree to represent anyone based upon an inquiry made or an e-mail sent.  We have no duty to respond.  COPYRIGHT 2016.  All rights reserved Olszewski & Massih, P.C.